assalamualaikum belog ku yg ku rindui..
hmm....too much things dat happened and too much dat make me down...
yeah...down (!)
syukur lah Allah uji kita,,tu mkne nye Allah still concern ttg kita..kan?
and dats mean,,kita pon mestilah tlebih2 lg ingt kat Dia..jgn asyik lalai je k wani..
^ for me ^
bz and buzy lately...
as usual when we start campus life again..
xley jeles ngan toqiey yg skrg tgh happily ever after tgh holiday..
asyik merayap..sgt aktif oke? dah mcm kelawar..huhu
b4 balik ke sana smula..xpe2..i gve u chance..ha5
ouh,,dis sem,,3 labs and 1 kerja lapangan,,mmg memenatkan..
amali kimia fizik : da most complicated for me,,mybe..bnyk kira2 and sumtimes blh wat sy nk telan je data2 n graph bagai tu..huhu
amali kimia analisis : welllll,,analisis and trus analisis....sesuai lah kan dgn korz sy..huk3
amali kimia polimer : da best ever so far...sonok bila dpt product..simple and easy..cmpur itu,cmpur ini,,tup dapat.. <----mcm senang sgt kan? xdela cmtu..hehe
kerja lapangan : prinsip ekologi >>>> ouhhh..1st thing 1st : bpanas sbb luar dr lab...saboo jela..uhuhu ^^ dats y i prefer chem lab than bio..ngeeee :p :p :p
RINDU ngan my bFFs...
awak lah..kamu2 tuuu...siyesli i misss uolss a lot...
bila ek sy ad bnyk kedit,,nak call korang,,gayut lelame..ouh really....misss uuuuu!!!
okeyh,,ad 1 yg wat sy tgh excited..hehe
berat sy dah trun!! kikikiki <---whatever uolss akn ckp,,sy ttap nak epi...
agak berjaya misi sy wpon in fact sgt susah oke nk nmpk prubahan scra fizikal...aishhh~
bawah ni tyme buat keje lapangan tepi pntai..kira2 bpe bnyk spesies ad dlm 1 plot..
letih mngira rumput yg ad..mcm bdk2 pon ad :p :p :p

oke done..esok kls kul 8,,,pastu lab plk petang...
wanna rest 4 now..nyte n assalamualaikum :)
p/s : epi bday to both my brothers,,,11 october 1996 and 1999...may Allah bless u both..
hmm....too much things dat happened and too much dat make me down...
yeah...down (!)
syukur lah Allah uji kita,,tu mkne nye Allah still concern ttg kita..kan?
and dats mean,,kita pon mestilah tlebih2 lg ingt kat Dia..jgn asyik lalai je k wani..
^ for me ^
bz and buzy lately...
as usual when we start campus life again..
xley jeles ngan toqiey yg skrg tgh happily ever after tgh holiday..
asyik merayap..sgt aktif oke? dah mcm kelawar..huhu
b4 balik ke sana smula..xpe2..i gve u chance..ha5
ouh,,dis sem,,3 labs and 1 kerja lapangan,,mmg memenatkan..
amali kimia fizik : da most complicated for me,,mybe..bnyk kira2 and sumtimes blh wat sy nk telan je data2 n graph bagai tu..huhu
amali kimia analisis : welllll,,analisis and trus analisis....sesuai lah kan dgn korz sy..huk3
amali kimia polimer : da best ever so far...sonok bila dpt product..simple and easy..cmpur itu,cmpur ini,,tup dapat.. <----mcm senang sgt kan? xdela cmtu..hehe
kerja lapangan : prinsip ekologi >>>> ouhhh..1st thing 1st : bpanas sbb luar dr lab...saboo jela..uhuhu ^^ dats y i prefer chem lab than bio..ngeeee :p :p :p
RINDU ngan my bFFs...
awak lah..kamu2 tuuu...siyesli i misss uolss a lot...
bila ek sy ad bnyk kedit,,nak call korang,,gayut lelame..ouh really....misss uuuuu!!!
okeyh,,ad 1 yg wat sy tgh excited..hehe
berat sy dah trun!! kikikiki <---whatever uolss akn ckp,,sy ttap nak epi...
agak berjaya misi sy wpon in fact sgt susah oke nk nmpk prubahan scra fizikal...aishhh~
bawah ni tyme buat keje lapangan tepi pntai..kira2 bpe bnyk spesies ad dlm 1 plot..
letih mngira rumput yg ad..mcm bdk2 pon ad :p :p :p

oke done..esok kls kul 8,,,pastu lab plk petang...
wanna rest 4 now..nyte n assalamualaikum :)
p/s : epi bday to both my brothers,,,11 october 1996 and 1999...may Allah bless u both..
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